Holter Museum of Art, Exhibition, Lecture & Workshop 9/9/24 - 11/3/24
Gannon University, Exhibition, Lecture & Workshop - 1/23/24 & 3/24/24
Texas A&M announcement & 360 view of the exhibition
Texas A&M University, Exhibition, Lecture & Workshop 10/27/23 & 2/24/24 - "Everyday Life"
University of Wisconsin • La Crosse, Exhibition, Lecture & Workshop 10/17/23 - 10/19/23
Utah State University Eastern • Price, Artist Lecture 3/23/23
Fort Hays State University, Artist Lecture & Workshops 3/6/23 to 3/9/23
West Virginia Wesleyan College, Exhibition, Lecture & Workshop 2/16/23 & 3/17/23 - "A Thousand Words"
Northern State University, Exhibition, Lecture & Workshop1/17/23 & 1/20/23 - "Inner Thoughts - Outer Limits"
Northern State University, Artist Interview 1/18/23
Laramie County Community College, Exhibition, Visiting Artist Lecture & Workshop 1/24/22 & 1/25/22 - "A Thousand Words"
Culver-Stockton College & The Quincy Art Cente, Exhibition, Lecture & Workshop 11/9/21 & 11/11/21 - "A Thousand Words"
Spokane Falls Community College Exhibition, Lecture & Workshop 10/25/21 & 10/26/21 - "Brainstorming - An Intellectual Sport"
Emporia State University Exhibition, Lecture & Workshop 8/30/21, 8/31/21 & 9/1/21 - "Navagating Through Society: Our Narratives"
Florida State College Artist Talk, Exhibition & Workshop 2/12/19
& 2/13/19 - "A Thousand Words"
College Exhibition & Workshop 2/20/18 & 2/21/18 - "A
Network Of Familiarity"
of Minnesota Exhibition & Workshop 2/1/18 - "A Thousand
Moravian College Artist Talk, Exhibition & Workshop 10/19/17
- "Navigating Through Society: Our Narratives"
Texas College Artist Talk & Exhibition 2/22/17 - "The
Unexamined Portrait"
South Dakota School of Mines & Technology Artist Talk, Exhibition
& Workshop 1/13/17 - "A Thousand Words"
Community College Workshop & Artist Talk 11/9/16 - "A
Thousand Words"
County Community College Workshop 2/25/16 - "A Thousand Words"
College Opening Reception & Workshop 8/28/14 - "Slices
of Life"
Product (RED)™
and Folk Art Museum 6/22/10 - Some Assembly Required: Race, Gender
and Globalization
Antelope Valley College Opening Reception 2/13/08 - Slices of
Life 2
Elementary School March 2007 - Guest Speaker
Applegate Gallery Opening Reception 12/2/06 - Holiday Show
Hooks Epstein Galleries Opening Reception 7/8/06 - Slices of Life
Gallery Opening Reception 6/8/06 - CON(TEXT)
Bros: ER, Ray & Neela's apartment, March 2006
M.J. Higgins Gallery Opening Reception 1/28/06 - Black is Beautiful
Art Murmur Gallery Opening Reception 9/10/05 - iPop
HBO: Six Feet Under, Episode 59: "Singing For Our Lives,"
July 2005
Park Gallery Opening Reception 2/26/05
478 Closing Reception 8/5/04 - Time is the Monster
Gallery 478 Opening Reception 7/1/04 - Time is the Monster
Flower April & May 2004